The in-person, 8-week Mindfulness Course is based on the gold standard, Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme and is the most recognised and established mindfulness course, taught all over the world.
It is an evidence-based programme and scientifically proven to help people cope better with stress, anxiety, and pain. It has also been found to improve peoples experience of their day to day lives.
Past participants have variously reported increased feelings of calm, improved focus, a sunnier outlook on life, more feelings of contentment and noticeable improvements in their relationships.
This course consists of eight, 2-hour sessions and a half-day retreat. You will experience a range of guided formal and informal meditation practices, gentle mindful movement & stretching, group discussion and learn about the physiology of stress including responding rather than reacting. You will also learn the essential principles of mindfulness and techniques to build your personal home practice and access the wide-ranging benefits well beyond the course.
Before starting the course you will be sent a confidential assessment form to complete and return which may be followed up with a phone call. This is to ensure safeguarding and that mindfulness training is right for you at this time in your life. A full refund will be given if it turns out to be not quite right for you.
The course is taught by Toby Wiltshire who is a qualified and experienced BAMBA registered MBSR teacher and has completed teacher training with Mindfulness UK, Oxford Mindfulness and additional teacher training from The UK College of Mindfulness Meditation.
This comprehensive course includes:
Practical tools
You will gain tools and techniques, learn the theory and neuroscience behind mindfulness and experience live mindfulness practices and group discussions.
4 Core Practices
We will explore the mind:body connection, mindful movement, breath awareness and compassion practices, which will be provided as MP3's or streamable audio from Dropbox for home practice.
Various shorter practices including abdominal breathing practice, grounding practice and a 3 step breathing space meditation.
Course Breakdown
Week 1 & 2: Beginning with Mindfulness and what it is. The importance of attention. The body scan, mind and body connection. Looking at how to build mindfulness into daily life. Stress and the stress response.
Week 3 & 4: Continued learning relating to stress, stress responses, reaction versus response. Movement meditation and continued focus on mind and body. The neuroscience behind mindfulness. Short ‘micro’ practices designed to fit into a busy life.
Week 5 & 6: Continued focus on neuroscience, including techniques shown to increase positive states of mind. Working with the breath. Managing difficulties and challenges in day-to-day life.
Week 7 & 8: Self-care, compassion for self and others and a compassion meditation. Bringing mindfulness to our relationships. A new beginning (mindfulness for the rest of your life).
As well as attending the weekly sessions, you’ll be asked to follow the guided home practice which is usually 30-40 mins, ideally daily, but for a minimum of 5 days a week throughout the 8-week course.
If you have any questions before booking, please do get in touch with Toby by emailing
On booking, you’ll be sent a confidential assessment form to complete and return within 7 days to ensure that the course is suitable for you. Your place on the course will be confirmed after this has been returned.